
5 Articles

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Arthur “Arkansas” Hunnicutt Gravesite

Below is a photo of me taken last week placing trade silver beads from the Harley Dragoon Seminole Massacre site onto the grave of one of my heroes, Arthur “Arkansas” Hunnicutt; and a photo of him in the movie The Big Sky (1952). Arthur had a long and distinguished career in film, stage, and television, earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Big Sky. Author served as a corporal in the U.S. Army during WWII. There is a memorial to him in Arlington National Cemetery as well. He was born in Gravelly, Arkansas on February 17, 1910, and died of tongue cancer on September 26, 1979 in Los Angeles, California, at the age of 69. His final resting place is the Coop Prairie Cemetery in Mansfield, Arkansas.



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New Title Just Released

Trade Silver Marks in the Americas 1682-1855 was released in both hardcover and paperback formats September 15, 2017, and is now available direct from the publisher. To purchase, click HERE or go to the PUBLICATIONS tab in the website.


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“Indian Trade Silver Markings” Update

The release of my new publication, “Indian Trade Silver Markings,” is just a few weeks away. Final details are being added, text and images are being proofed, and publishing details are being arranged. Initially, it will be available in paperback format, with e-book formatting being considered for the second edition. Updates will be available online to those who purchase the book in either format. –Steve

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“Indian Trade Silver Markings”

I am excited to announce that my newest publication, “Indian Trade Silver Markings,” is nearing completion and will be out very soon. When released, it will be the world’s most comprehensive compendium of Indian trade silver markings in distribution. Please bookmark my website and check back soon. –Steve